
The Dangers of Baby Pillows that you should know

Many parents have heard about the harm baby pillows may cause to their child. But many simply refuse to believe that baby pillows are harmful. Therefore something that is so innocent looking as a baby pillow is still victimizing many children today. What parents should know is that, the main cause of fatalities under that age is SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome. SIDS is associated with suffocation, strangulation and rebreathing. The baby pillow plays an important role in most of these cases. Soft bedding, baby sleeping on his stomach and baby pillow causes strangulation and suffocation in children under the age of S107 RC helicopter one. One fact is that the baby pillow is as harmful as sleeping on their stomach and soft beddings. The baby pillow is one of the major causes of suffocation in younger children. This happens if the pillow ends up on the face of the baby if he grasped it accidentally. The baby will be suffocated if he fails to remove the pillow from his face. In some cases, the baby may get too close to the baby, causing him to get suffocated. Another leading cause of SIDS is rebreathing. Medically speaking it is when the baby breathes carbon dioxide or bad air, as what it is more commonly known. Rebreathing happens when the baby, instead of breathing oxygen, inhales the carbon dioxide he has exhaled. Rebreathing may be caused by loose sheets or beddings getting over his head. What many do not know is that baby pillows may also cause rebreathing. This may occur if the baby pillow gets too close to the face of the baby and the baby re breathes the carbon dioxide he has exhaled. If parents do not remove the baby pillow from the crib, the baby is still not safe from rebreathing even if the sheets and beddings are well secured. To reduce the risk of SIDS doctors recommend to parents not to use baby pillows until the baby is out Air Swimmers of his crib and is already on toddler bed. This is because unless the baby is on his toddler age, he is not ready for pillows. This should not be a dilemma because the baby can sleep comfortably even without baby pillows. In fact, according to medical sleep experts, babies and even adults do not need pillows in order to get a good and comfortable sleep. However, if you really want to introduce your baby air angry bird to pillows, do so only when he is old enough and sleeping on his toddler bed. This is because you just might introduce him to harm instead of additional comfort.

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